Surgically Clean Air Purifiers


Our office will utilize four  air purifiers to help clean the indoor air made by Surigically Clean Air.

The JADE air purification system utilizes Surgically Clean Air's multi-stage air purifying technologies that work together to clean, purify and re-energize the indoor air. The multi stage filtration system captures dust particles, pollen, volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), mold, allergens, viruses, odors (like formaldehyde and smoke), bio-aerosols, nitrous oxide, and many other pollutants that are found in the inside air in workplaces and residences. The negative ion generator makes indoor feel more pure, clean and energized to help combat fatigue. For an air purifier to deliver its benefits throughout the indoor space it needs to move large volumes of air through its filtration system effectively without impacting those people that are closest to it by creating a 'breeze' or being too loud.

jade air purifiers provide the cleanest indoor air at dr. alex chan's office to reduce the spread of covid-19. visit dr. alex chan today for your dental appointment.